This batch file decompiles an apk to its corresponding java
sources. People who are looking forward to do a code review on an
android app who’s
source code is
not readily available can utilize this bat. This batch runs various free
tools available on the internet in a sequence to obtain the java source
This is not made to encourage piracy/plagiarism in any case.
How To
1. Extract batch file and lib folder to
C:\apk2java\ (or any folder that
doesnt have space in its path)
2. Backup the target app’s apk from phone to PC via ASTRO Browser (check
this post for details)
3. Keep the target apk in the root folder where batch file is present
4. Run ‘apk2java.bat target.apk’ in cmd
c:\apk2java>apk2java.bat target.apk
5. Result : java and resource files available in ‘src’
Note: This batch just automates the sequence in
which various tools are initiated and does not handle any error events.
You will have to go through the cmd verbose to figure out the problem.
Note 2: ‘lib’ folder contains apk-tool files
(apk-tool.jar, aapt.exe), jad.exe, 7zip (7za.exe), dex2jar files (all
other jars). If required, update each of those tools by replacing it
with latest copy from links mentioned below.
- Windows (but can be ported to *NIX)
- JRE 1.6 (Java Runtime Environment)
Tools in lib
- Dex2jar – Converts Android dex format to jar (link)
- JAD – Java Decompiler CLI (link)
- 7Zip – Unarchival (link)
- apk-tool – Extracts resources from apk (link)
- aapt – Android Asset Packaging Tool (link)
- aapt commands (link)
@echo off
echo *********************************************
echo ** Convert 'apk' to 'jar' **
echo *********************************************
FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0lib\*.jar") DO CALL "%~dp0lib\setclasspath.bat" %%i
java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -cp "%CLASSPATH%" com.googlecode.dex2jar.v3.Main %*
cd /d %~dp0
echo *********************************************
echo ** Remove if any 'src' folder exists **
echo *********************************************
rmdir /s /q src
echo *********************************************
echo ** Create 'src' and 'class' folders **
echo *********************************************
mkdir src
cd src
mkdir other
mkdir class
echo *********************************************
echo ** Expand, delete the 'jar' file **
echo *********************************************
%~dp0lib\7za.exe x *.jar -o%~dp0class -aou
del *.jar
echo *********************************************
echo ** Decompiling class files **
echo *********************************************
xcopy /Q /E /Y class src
for /R src %%a in (*.class) do %~dp0lib\jad.exe -d %%~dpa -o -s .java "%%a"
echo *********************************************
echo ** Delete .class files and 'class' folder **
echo *********************************************
cd src
del /S /Q *.class
rmdir /s /q class
echo *********************************************
echo ** Extract, fix resource files **
echo *********************************************
java -jar "%~dp0lib\apktool.jar" decode -s -f *.apk %~dp0src\other\
echo ]
echo *********************************************
echo ** Process complete - Check 'src' folder **
echo *********************************************
echo ]
apk2java Info |
App Name |
apk2java |
License |
free |
Type |
code |
App URL |
More Info |
link |